Monday, June 18, 2012

Into Africa.





vest// madewell, shirt & skirt// J. Crew, boots// aldo

This past weekend was hot.  The kind of hot that gives you chills.  I dislike the extreme heat and for the first time this weekend I thought to myself "why do I live here again"?  But, then reality sits in and I remind myself it's not that bad because this weather only lasts a few days and then we get a break for a bit.  And, sure enough this morning I awoke to a breeze and was immediately excited to get dressed again! But, back to the heat talk not because I love it but, because it got me thinking about a book I have been reading called Into Africa by Martin Dugard which tells the true story of explorer David Livingstone and writer Henry Morton Stanley. An excellent read if your into history and adventure. The vivid imagery and portrayal of Africa in c. 1870 is breath taking.  Not because it was romantic but because of the extreme trials these guys went through and weather was just one of them. So, when I was trekking in the blazing heat getting chills I thought of these men,  Livingstone and Stanley, and all the people who have lived through worse and immediately straightened up and told myself "you can do this"!

Hope you all had a great weekend! 

Till next time, 

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